Unravel two online co op
Unravel two online co op

The boy rescues the boy from the fire when he is stuck in branches by a stream.

unravel two online co op

A truckload of wooden logs crashes onto an electrical fence, starting a forest fire that spreads to the buildings and stables. The Yarnys help the children hide by chasing the adults off with the spark, and finally break out of the factory. The boy is caught and locked up, but later escapes when the Yarnys cause a machine to malfunction, causing a mayhem distracting the adults, and the children are reunited. As the children play and go swimming in the forest, the Yarnys explore the woods and are chased through a lake by a pike.īy nighttime, adults search for the children with flashlights and hounds in an old factory. They are chased through the forest by a wood grouse, narrowly escaping. The Yarnys run from the shadows and, along with the children, hide from the adults. The Yarnys emerge in a sunny countryside setting in the midst of midsummer celebration, but as the children are mistreated by the intoxicated adults, the setting turns dark and threatening. The Yarnys follow the children through a small park, and the adults take the form of dark shadows with red sparks that disintegrate the Yarnys on touch.

unravel two online co op

A boy knocks on his bedroom window, and he escapes with him through the rooftop. The Yarnys enter the corridor of an adoption home where a young boy is attempting to escape abusive adults, and the Yarnys help him by using the spark to chase the adults off. The two Yarnys explore the forest and the underground before emerging to ground level and taking residence in an abandoned lighthouse - the game's loading hub. A spark emerges from the connection and the continuous objective of the game is to chase it. He encounters a blue Yarny among the shipwreck and the two connect their dead ends together, forming a bond. Plot Ī red Yarny is separated from his home and his owner in a storm at sea, and is washed ashore with his yarn being cut to a dead end. The game's main storyline is set on an island, and it includes additional, more difficult challenge levels. The game focuses on two Yarnys (which can be controlled by one or two players) which must work together in order to solve puzzles and manipulate the world. Unlike Unravel, Unravel Two is both a single-player and a multiplayer game, however only in local co-op.

Unravel two online co op